Wednesday, February 8, 2017

Mid-Winter Update

So while I'm here in sunshiny Mexico rehabilitating my ruptured disc I thought I'd take the opportunity to say something. ;-)

Just ordered some infusion supplies to complete the rudder construction. Ben will be happy. I promise to video the entire process.

Plastic T's for resin flow & vac lines
2:1 epoxy pumps
Spiral wrap for resin feed & vac lines
Ultra Low Viscosity 2:1 epoxy resin/hardener
Carbon Fiber Fabric 4x4 Twill 3k 8.3oz
Stretchelon vacuum bagging film
I have everything else I'll need to finish the rudder. When I'm finished my Mexican Rehab I'll see if I can dig my way into the boat shed and retrieve all the parts so I can work on this in the basement this winter.

Looks like I'll be going back to work for at least a month when I get home as well. That's good. This stuff ain't cheap!

Thanks for looking in.
