Sunday, December 26, 2010

Boxing Day Blues

I hope everybody had a good Christmas! Santa spoiled me again this year! I got some gear for the boat shed, lights, laser level etc. and a lot of new clothes which I needed. Anyhow, I haven't had the opportunity to post anything of note lately so I thought I'd try my hand at "Flemishing (or Coxcombing) a ships wheel". I've never done this before and am making it up as I go along, with a little help from the Interweb.

The cord is 3/16" diamond braid cotton. I didn't count the wraps as I put them on just what felt good in my hand.

There'll be something called a "Turks Head Knot" on each spoke that'll cover up the gaps. I won't be able to make that one up and will have to go learn to tie it properly.

It'll take about 120 feet of cord to do the whole wheel. What you see here is about 40 feet and two hours work! ;-)
