Finally something worth of reporting. I haven't been totally laid out on my back but pretty close. Some days are better than others. I try to get a couple hours of tinkering in the shed each day.
I'll start with the most recent and work my way back. Spent the last couple of days trying to get my 6" x 16' i-beam up into the shed 10' above the ground. This will be what I use to lift the engine into the boat. I explored a number of other options and this one was the most cost effective but more laborious, at least doing it all by yourself.
iBeam, trolley and chain hoist |
The beam is currently resting on the shed longitudinal's which are 1x3's with a 2x4 scabbed on. I'll be adding a 6" x 6" post at each end of the beam to support the weight of the engine when I lift it.
iBeam sticking through side of boat shed! |
A couple weeks ago Mother Nature ran through here like a freight train and tried to blow my shed down. She did a good job stoved in both the front doors. Decided to bite the bullet and put a shed end on with plywood.
My buddy Andrew putting some of the finishing touches on the shed end. |
Have spent a few days just cleaning up and trying to organize stuff better. Managed to get my work bench cleaned up a bit. Bought some bins and separated out screws from nuts and bolts etc. Still can't seem to find stuff. *sigh*
I've always had to borrow trailers for supply & dump runs. If not my buddy Tim's it was my Dad's trailer. Sold our Walker Bay this spring and kept he trailer. Got inspired one day and turned it into a flatbed trailer. Now I can go get my engine & do runs without having to beg for the use of someone else's trailer.
4 bolts and it's back to a boat trailer |
Lori and I took a week to go see the kids in Grande Prairie AB. Lori wasn't able to go with me last time to meet our first Grandson Connor. He'll make a fine addition to the crew. Extremely happy and energetic baby. Handsome too, just like his Grampy! :-)
'sup Dudes? ;-) |
Dis My Gramma Too! :-) |
Ok I know it's not much but it is what it is. I'm going to try to get back to some serious boat building soon. I have an appointment with the neurosurgeon next Wednesday to see if there are any options to getting my back fixed. *Fingers Crossed*. Until the engine is back from service I'm going to do a bit more clean up then try to get the skeg installed.
Thanks for looking in.