Wednesday, June 12, 2013

Still making progress

Pulled the rest of the peelply off from Saturday's workin's.

The results are better than the other side I did myself. There's only a few minor bubbles to fix.

Still had a bit of a problem with the poxy trying to bleed out. This time it set before it got through the peelply but left some lumps that'll have to be sanded down. And, we all know, how much I luv spending quality time with my sanders! *sigh*

The hands are still sore and tingly. I took frequent breaks during yesterday's sanding sessions and that seemed to help. I'll go looking for wrist splints today. That should help at night when I'm sleeping. Seems worse when I get up so I must have them twisted up while I sleep. I've got so much sanding to do I really don't need this at all.

For the next little while I'll be prepping the bottom and keel for more glass. Have to go into savings mode before I can place another order for epoxy. This pig is sucking it up like a Barrington Street Hooker on a Saturday Night when the Fleet comes in! ;-) So far I'm into the outside of the hull for 20 gallons of goop. Most builders said they used 15 and I've still got multiple layers to go.

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