Saturday, December 10, 2011

What's on your Xmas boatbuilding wish list?


15 gallons of epoxy
10 yds of multi-axial carbon fiber
Gridcooler (Keel Cooler)

After that, not much else. We've got pretty much everything we need to laminate the hull and flip it over. Once that's done there's a few other big ticket items we'll have to plan for, fridge, windows etc.

C'mon Spring! :-)

Saturday, November 19, 2011

Can you believe

the wonderful fall weather? Sheez I've pissed away a few weeks of prime boat building time. Kickin' myself for that. Today I couldn't let the good weather slip by anymore and got back out to the shed. Temps inside were a nice 50+ degs F. Not too bad. If you keep moving, which I did, it's comfortable to work.

What I decided to do today was install the bow thruster tube. First challenge was to draw a straight line down the exact middle of a tube. A quick visit to Google brought me to this trick.

Pretty slick eh?

Second task was inside the boat locating the ideal spot for the tube. Instructions say it should be at least 100 mm (4") below the waterline. Ideally it should be 150 mm (it's a 150mm tube). The instructions also say it, the tube, should be no less than 100 mm from the bottom of the boat. The tube also has to be longer than 50 cm from side to side on the shortest (bottom) side. That presents me with a bit of a space issue.

Using my laser level and measuring from Frame A I located the water line and then drew out the parallel lines for 100 mm, 150 mm and 100 mm from the bottom. I had to compromise and move the tub up 25mm (1 in) so that it would end up the minimum 100 mmm from the waterline. I drew a base line and drilled two parallel holes to set my initial spot.

To draw the hole, which on an curved and inclined surface like the upside down hull of a boat you need to make up a device that'll follow the circumferance of a circle and also move along the contours. It looks something like this.

With this tool I could easily draw out the hole for the tube. The first position I chose the hole was pretty elongated due to the slope and curve of the hull.

I moved the centering hole 3" forward of my original position and drew another hole for the tube. This was much better. A quick run around the holes with the Jig Saw and they were ready for the tube initial fitting.

Using the template for the thruster housing I cut the holes with the tube on the bench. Much easier this way.

Another couple if fittings and I was ready to trim the ends. I marked the outside of the tub where it'd be cut off then put it back in the vice.

You have to use a High Speed Steel jig saw blade on this stuff. It wore the teeth right off of a plain wood blade in about 3' of cut! :-)

Last fitting for today. I'll probably glue it into place tomorrow if the weather permits.

Carry on.

Friday, October 28, 2011

That's pretty much it!

Had to bring the epoxy inside last night so it didn't freeze. Guess that's pretty much it except for some sanding till spring. :-(

Sunday, October 23, 2011

Not much to show

this week. Been lazier than ole' Bootsy Boy lately. Must be the change in seasons. Body is telling me it's soon time to hibernate. Tucked the car and boat away in barns for the winter. :-(

This weekend I did manage to get the bulwarks tacked into place to see what they look like.

Ran into a small problem with the flare of the bow being a little more than planned. The side panels are off the forms about 5/8" causing the bulwarks to leave a fair size gap. I pulled the side panels back in a bit to reduce the gap.

I'll glue these on next week weather permitting.

Today I got the keel lined up and shimmed and glued down. It's now part of the hull. Not much to show for 4 hrs work but there was a lot of futzin' around to get it all lined up.

Friday, October 14, 2011

Still making baby steps

so slowly things are coming together. Keel sides going up.

Dealing with a few alignment issues between the keel and the hull. No biggie, I'll just spend some more quality time with my belt sander! :-)

Sunday, October 9, 2011

Finally got to spend some real quality time

with Mr. Belt Sander. ;-) Five hours yesterday and a couple more this morning. Rounded off all the chines so the glass tape will make a nice easy transition from the bottom to the side panels. Dirty work though. I got sanding dust in places you don't wanna know about! :-)

Once that lil' dirty job was out of the way I started taping the seams. Sheez almost five hours to go around the boat twice (two layers).

I'm gonna be sore tomorrow! Up and down the ladders a million times today. I suppose it's good for me all that exercise. Now to go pig out on turkey!

Happy Thanks Giving everybody! Be well and happy and enjoy your family while you can.

Sunday, October 2, 2011

All stitched up and nowhere to go!

I hope! :-)

Lori & I glued the pieces back together today. A bit more care will be in order from now on. I don't want to have to do this again. Once this round of glue sets I'll sand in between the stitches and blocks and add a layer of tape to make sure it doesn't come apart.

Live and learn. Carry on.......

Saturday, October 1, 2011

Sproing! Ah Sh*t!

There's some jobs that I've enjoyed so much I decided, well, the boat decided, I had better do again!

It went off like a shotgun! KaBoom! Scared the crap outta me. I was just getting ready to fill the last few holes before I sanded down the seams for taping. Ah Shit!

You can see where it was the glue that mostly broke and it only pulled away from the plywood in a few places. I guess that's good, the glue is doing it's job.

So from there it was back to the belt sander, grinder, jig saw and drill to get ready to strap & stitch the panels back together. Guess I'll be leaving some stitches in right to the taping to ensure this doesn't happen again. Sucks too 'cause it's getting colder and takes the epoxy forever to kick off.

Back to the drawing board. Standby....

Thursday, September 29, 2011

Patty Cake Patty Cake

Ooops! That's not cake mix there is it Darlin'? ;-)

I always say many hands make light work and teamwork is the best work. Ayup, that's what I always say so I let Lori do the epoxy glue mixin' and fillin' in the seams and kerfs on the boat tonight while I supervised. Hey! Somebody had to supervise, Boots wasn't around, the slacker!

She did good! Look at the concentration on her face! :-)

More gluing and filling tomorrow then Saturday we might tape the seams between the bottom and side panels. Standby....

Sunday, September 25, 2011

It's been slow....

but I'm getting back into the boat building frame of mind. Lori and I have started to glue the bottom & side panels together. Yesterday's episode involved mixing up a big batch of epoxy & pecan flour for the glue. We mixed waaaaaaaaaaay too much! ;-) The remnants make for some funky epoxy art! ;-) (about $10 worth of materials *sigh*)

We couldn't get it on the boat quick enough before it kicked off. I could feel it getting really hot in my hand. Next time it'll be smaller batches. We learn as we go.

Today we hung the transom.

This afternoon will involve more glue to get these panels all locked into place. Standby....

Monday, September 19, 2011

If it won't budge get a BIGGER HAMMER!

Tugged and.......

Whipped into submission!

My pry bar is still in there somewhere with a chisel too! :-)

Saturday, September 17, 2011

'Round and 'round we go again

and again.

One of the toughest parts of assembling one of these boats, other than falling on your head is bending the bottom panels around the forms at the bow.

There's a lot of tension built up in those panels when you ratchet them into shape. I've run into a little problem with aligning the panels correctly but have gotten some tips form other TW28 builders to try tomorrow. You can see it better here where one bottom panel overlaps the other.

That took 3 attempts to get to that point. I'll try again tomorrow. Other than that the only other thing I accomplished was putting a door on the front of the shed where there's been only a tarp for the last 5 months. Doh!

A few pics from ON HIGH!

Looking fwd.

Looking aft.

Chillin' time! :-)

Thursday, September 15, 2011

Dump ducks and

some light duties in the boat shed tonight.

Stopped at Subway for meatball sub tonight. Decided to sit down by the water and enjoy it and who shows up? A Dump Duck! Lori will tell you I have no likening of these foul birds.

So along with the cat paw prints on the hood of the Jeep I now have webbed dump duck prints too! *sigh*

One of the fella's on the boat building bulletin boards suggested I use two barrels and a plank to help prevent the lil' accident I had last week. For some reason I don't see how using two buckets is gonna help! ;-)

You know what I always say? "Safety First!" Ayup, that's what I always say! ;-) I'm thinkin' this will help me keep to that! It's nice and light and just the right size for working under the hull. I'm sure Lori will approve!

One of the butt joints on the side panels broke when I bent it around the forward forms so tonight I ground the fiberglass off of it and reglassed and glued it.

Once this is set up I'll get back to stitching panels together. I hope to get the transom and the bow bent into shape and stitched this weekend if my wrist cooperates.

That's it for now. Tomorrow is the last car club meet of the year so there won't be any boat building stuff posted till Saturday. Standby.

Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Hurricane Irene and the Stimson Bow Roof Shed

If there was ever any doubt how well designed the Stimson Bow Shed is this video should put those fears to rest!

From: Far Reach Voyages

Monday, September 12, 2011

I tried

but it's not good. A few more days to heal up methinks. :-(

Thursday, September 8, 2011

My own signature line says

"It's not a boat you've built till you've sworn at it, sweated over it, bled on it and cried beside it!" I made that up and use it on most of the boat building forms I post to.

Well tonight I added a bit more blood to the project.

I don't think it's broken. Just scraped up and swollen. Hurts like hell. Also banged my head and bit my tongue! Doh!

Safety Notice: Five Gallon Plastic Pails are no substitute for a step ladder!

I was working in the "Belly of the Beast" about to drill a couple of holes for more plastic ties when I stepped on the pail and "Wooosh" away it went out from under me! What a Doofus!

Guess I'll take it easy for a day or so! Standby.....

Monday, September 5, 2011

The first part of Stitch & Glue

is the stitching! In this case it's not thread we're using it's heavy duty plastic wire ties.

Once I got around the entire hull stitching the panels together and getting them all lined up correctly I'll begin the second part of the procedure, the gluing. It'll be while before I get to that part though. Some of these panels have to be bent quite radically to get them into their final shape especially around the bow section.

Someone on the builders forum suggested using round spacers on the inside of the stitches to help align the panels. It works!

That's it for now. Back to work tomorrow! Boy, five weeks just flew by! :-(

Sunday, September 4, 2011

There's two sides to every story

just as there are two sides to every boat! :-)

With some help from Timmy and my Brother and Lori we wrestled the second side panel up into place. It had to be dragged out of the shed, flipped then brought back in and lifted into place. It took me a couple hours doing it on the other side by myself and only 5 mins with helpers! Doh! Anywho, it's up now. I'll spend some time tomorrow getting all the panels lined up for stitching. It's back to work on Tuesday (*Sigh*) so things will likely slow down a bit in the boat building arena.

This morning when I was clearing obstacles in the shed prior to moving the panels a storm decided to whip through Iroquois. I thought a freight train was roaring though the shed.

It doesn't show it too well on the video but the shed moves around a lot in a wind.

Saturday, September 3, 2011

Yesterday was a ....

day of days. Our friends Peter & Nathalie launched their Bolger Windemere that they've been working on for 7+ years.

The final fit-out will take place while the boat is in the water in its new berth. There's still plenty of lil' details that'll make this boat truly special.

A heartfelt Congratulations Peter & Nat from Rick, Lori and the gooch squad (Shadow, Squirt, Boots, Momma & Baby).

And being inspired by all the wonderful things happening to other builders I decided it was time to get back into the shed today. I slept late but did manage to get some stuff done.

The next big task is hanging the side panels on the strongback. I was trying to get them up off the ground and they kept falling back, they're long and floppy and go where they wanna go! So I said frack this and hooked one to the winch and hoisted the bugger up and onto the strongback.

Getting these lined up and ready to be stitched is a bit of a chore. I've got some help coming tomorrow to hang the second panel which is on the far side and has to be taken outside, flipped then moved back inside and onto the forms. It'll be tight but I think 4 of us can do it.

I kinda felt like Jonah inside the whale when I took this shot.

That's it for today. It's almost 100 degs F in the shed today.

Thursday, September 1, 2011

Things are happenin'

all over the place!

My friend Peter is launching the boat he built tomorrow! I'm more than willing to give up a days work in the shed to attend this special event.

I'm so excited I don't think I'll be able to sleep tonight! :-)

On my side of the boat building universe I've joined the two halves of the boats bottom!

After this sets up I'll move onto the keel sides and bottom. Likely Saturday.

Nobody told me you had to wear armor to build a boat! I've been banging and bruising my shins for weeks now on the strongback and step ladders. Finally smartened up and got myself a set of shin pads. Cute huh?

If they save some skin they're worth it. :-)

Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Slick as ...........

The second set of bottom panels went up slick as ...... Maybe I'm just getting the hang of it.

Alignment on the stern was perfect. Bow needs a little adjustment which will have to wait till this afternoon.

This girl is starting to show her true size. :-)

The glue and tape job on the bottom panels I did yesterday didn't turn out as well as I had hoped. I see using quite a bit of epoxy filler in this area. :-( I'll try to do a better job on the other side. It's a little more difficult working up in the air, maybe I should have stitched them together when I had the long table. Oh well, hind sight is always 20/20 eh?

More later.....

Monday, August 29, 2011

Ok, the party's over now it's time.....

to get back to work!

Seeing as we didn't actually lay the keel on Saturday, today was the day the first bottom panel went up.

It's actually two pieces because I knew it'd be too big for one person to handle. As it was it was a bit of a struggle to get it up and keep it from sliding off.

Being two parts I had to line them up as best I could then tape and glue them together. Robert came over and gave me the idea to use some C-clamps and ratchet clamps to pull the sheets together. He's a smart ole' fella.

There's not going to be much I can do till this part sets up then it's onto the other side which will be a bit trickier to get glued & taped.

That's 'bout it. Time for a power nap! :-)

Sunday, August 28, 2011

It was very nice to share....

special moments with special friends! Words can't express how grateful we are to everyone that came to celebrate with us.

A good friend, Ray Martin, stopped in to celebrate with us yesterday. Ray is one of the most talented chef's I've ever had the pleasure of working with. He "tossed" this lil' edible arrangement together for us.

Anybody for leftovers? *hehehe*